woensdag 13 juli 2011

Electric Vehicle - Orphiro Cruiser Is A Battery-Powered Beauty

A two wheeled electric vehicle is not such a common sight yet. One that is made to enjoy a ride and cruising instead of speed and thrills is even more rare. The Dutch Orphiro was revealed and made it to the page of Wired; calling it a "Battery powered beauty", which I can only agree upon. Hope to see more of these on the road soon!


Orphiro Cruiser Is A Battery-Powered Beauty

Steegh has been working with a dozen other people over the past year and a half to bring the Orphiro to market. He hopes companies will order it for promotional use. He says he’s received some interest after a sneak preview of the machine, but he’s waiting until the official debut at the end of September to take any orders.

(via Instapaper)

Drive safe, drive sustainable

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