donderdag 10 februari 2011

Electric Vehicle - Vito E-Cell rolls out in Spain

The guys and gals at Mercedes have had a nice proof of concept with their electric vehicle, the Vito E-Cell. The concept was proven on a few locations and is now finding real life implementation in Spain, a small fleet of 5 will be used. 

The Vito E-Cell will have similar specs as its fuel consuming friend, it can haul 900 kilograms and have the same size. The range is well enough for the average delivery usage, so it can suit many companies and save a ton.

Vito E-Cell Heralds New Era For Commercial Electric Vehicles

The Vito E-Cell’s batteries are kept in a storage compartment beneath the floor. These state-of-the-art lithium-ion batteries have an overall capacity of 36 kWh, sufficient for a range of around 130 kilometres. This means that the Vito E-Cell meets the average customer requirements for vans of about 80 kilometres per day and still have a generous reserve.

(via Instapaper)

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